The DAVENPORT ESTATE was located at the south end of Davenport Road, in Sydney,Nova Scotia. A brick/steel GATED ENTRANCE WAS LOCATED AT THE northern end of Davenport Road, where it met PRINCE STREET. The estate was destroyed at the end of the 19th century, with only the foundation remaining for many years. The ROSS FAMILY purchased a portion of the estate in 1886, and resold it to ALFRED HAGELL in 1901.... at the height of the steel boom beginning in SYDNEY. On this property he erected apartment,rental properties.... on the property now owned by FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH LAVINIA POSTLETHWAITE,the GRANDAUGHTER OF ALFRED,lived in an apartment from 1912 to 1926 and is the source of much of this information. The writer of this piece,who lived across the street from the HAGELL BLOCK for 25 years, has also contributed about the BLOCK and the folks who lived there. LAVINIA,now in her mid 80's, has clear remembrances of living here in her younger years.The tenants in the larger building #1 were the George Anderson, the Lauchie Mac Donald and the Floyd families. The 3 smaller buildings were rented to the Beverley family,a Mac Donald family, with LAVINIA and her parents living in the other. A large apartment to the north of the HAGELL BLOCK was known as the UNION HOUSE, and Henry MORLEY,his wife and daughter Margaret were tenants. MARGARET later married Cliff Le Couter, a prominent Sydney personality and newspaper man. LAVINIA remembers well that her father,PERCY HAGELL built the first radio in SYDNEY, long before SYDNEY had its own CJCB. She recollects listening to KDKA in the USA. There was NO indoor plumbing in the apartments...outdoor outhouses did the trick....altho she tells us,"mighty cold in winter". The GRANDFATHER moved to HALIFAX and his son PERCY and his wife (nee CANN from FORCHU) took over maintainance and rental collections. Up to this time the property was well maintained by the HAGELLS. The apartments were sold to a Mr. Mac Lean in 1928, he being a druggist from ORANGEDALE,Cape Breton.ABSENTEE OWNERSHIP began the downfall of the block, and for the next 30 years the property began its downward trend to self destruction. THE BOYS OF HAGELL BLOCK PICTURE BELOW Art REDQUEST Tom HODGSON Mack PARISH ? REDMOND Joe SUTHERLAND Bill (Bull( HODGSON Luke HODGSON P I C T U R E D B E L O W A WATERCOLOR BY LOUISE MAC LENNAN c1905 titled 'ASHBY"' This is the DAVENPORT ESTATE on Davenport Road and is probably the only known picture that exists...The HAGELL BLOCK was constructed on this site.