TOP PICTURE... Sydney At It's PRIME The 1904-05 SYDNEY BASKETBALL TEAM...winner of the league championship. Here's their names: H.R. WAY I.C. MACKIE * F.W. STIRLING A.W. ROBB David REID Keith MAC LEAN * Mr. MACKIE was the patent holder for a steel rail hardening process used thruout the world, and a major reason Sydney rails had world-wide popularity. SECOND PICTURE The 1914 SYDNEY MILLIONAIRES HOCKEY TEAM THAT IN 1913 PLAYED QUEBES FOR THE STANLEY CUP.... THE ONLY Maritime hockey team to do so. THEY ARE: Front; Harvey Richardson Bill Dunphy Joe Curlin Jimmy Fraser REAR: Ken Rundell Robin Foote Don Buckley * BILLY PARSONS Joe SAVARD Mr. Buckley's brother was the owner of one of the world's foremost and popular cough syrup....BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE. BOTTOM PICTURE PETERSFIELD; Col. John Peters, a Loyalist,came from Connecticut to Cape Breton,his wife and children having settled near Baddeck. Around 1783, he alone, left for England in a search for his soldiers pay... he never returned...having died in 1793. From this family of sons,the name PETERS has spread all over Cape Breton and indeed Eastern Canada. One son, SAMUEL PETERS moved to tye western shore of Sydney River, next to the lands of Thomas CRAWLEY. THUS THE NAME.... PETERS FIELD. JOHN STEWART MAC LENNAN,the first General Manager of the new steel plant eventually purchased this land,and built his estate.