Finding My Roots in SCOTLAND


WHERE DOES ONE START ??? We rented a small condo in the middle of
THE Kin Loch Rannoch  (picture #1). We knew our 
ancestors did'nt come from this precise area, but it was central
and CHEAP....(remember, we're Scottish). Kin Loch Rannoch has one 
store, one church,two pubs and 75 delightful people

   About 8 miles away, is a fair sized town,located on a major
highway...PITLOCHRY...a delight in every respect...(picture #3).
If you ever sure to see the  SALMON LADDER... a marvellous
sight to see.

  From our condo window we could see a majestic  mountain...
Mount SCHILHALLIAN,.(picture # 2), and the next day climbed to the
snow line.

    But now....time for serious searching for roots,and we head out to
the west coast and the Islands...our first stop the Isle of Skye.

               Follow us on the next page .....

Searching for ROOTS + Scottish MUSIC

Music for you: to BROWSE by ...
Back to the BEGINNING: of Lloyd's Web Site
Gracie (GRASSIE) Genealogy: Acadien roots at L'Ardoise
Giant Mac Askill Cemetery: and transcriptions
Pictou County: and the Mac Donald's
Isle of SKYE: Any ROOTS HERE ????